2006-2015 Mazda MX-5 Miata Engine 2.0L DOHC 4 cyl Motor JDM LF


Additional information


Engine year

2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015


Miata, MX-5

Product Information



Actual picture item, What you see is what you get.
Engine Year2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
ModelMiata, MX-5
Part Code1085
Number of Cylinders4 CYLINDER
Engine Size2.0L
OE/OEM Part NumberLF
Country/Region of ManufactureJAPAN
Warranty90 DAYS


JDM ENGINES IMPORT can ship to virtually any address in the world*. (restrictions apply, inquire within)

We use the most reliable and safest shipping services to ship out your order. Once you have placed your order, it is shipped out the next business day by one of our very reliable and professional carriers such as: Old Dominon Frieght, R&L, Road Runner, Central Freight etc.

JDM ENGINES IMPORT sources our carriers based on rate and availability for the day. Most orders that are processed before 1 PM PST are shipped out the same day!*

In cases where an item is out of stock, on back order, or is a special order, we will notify you via email with an approximate ETA via eMail or phone call.
*residential deliveries are possible however can carry an additional charge for services. Typically residential deliveries require lift-gate usage in off-loading of your product which shipping companies usually charge $60.00 – $120.00

Other fees MAY ALSO however JDM ENGINES IMPORT will notify you up front prior to order completion.


The customer is responsible for all freight charges on the return of defective items and no replacement part will be sent until our staff have inspected and verified the returned defective item in question.

The customer is responsible for all the shipping charges for the returned product. You must have an RA number or Return Authorization number from Japan Star Motor before you can return your product. Please have the RA number written on the outside of the package. Any returns arriving to our warehouse with an RA number will be refused. Also, include the invoice with your returned package.


Engine and transmissions are securely placed onto industrial wooden pallets then secured with metal cable ties to ensure placement. The unit is then extranally wrapped with our signature red plastic protective wrap.


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